Size Zero

I recently read a book called, 'Size Zero: My Life as a Disappearing Model' by Victoire Dauxerre. (Follow her on Twitter: It's a model's recollection of her battle to be a size zero and the extreme diet she followed to be thin enough to walk in major fashion shows in NYC, London, Paris and Milan. Here's the Amazon link to Victoire's book:

When I say it's a horror story, I don't mean it tongue-in-cheek. It IS a horror story. It made me realise how twisted the fashion industry is. The way they treat models is sickening. How they portray women should look like, is unnatural and largely unattainable for everybody but the 2% of women who look like that naturally. The other 98% of us would have to live an unhealthy lifestyle doing drastic things to look like a coat hanger - because that's what models are to them. Just a coat hanger and not much more.

I'm taking a stand against size zero models being touted as the "ideal". I'm also taking a stand against shops who use size zero mannequins in their window and shop displays. We simply don't look like that and we shouldn't be starving ourselves to look like that either. 

I saw this quote on - it's so true!

Let's quit unnatural and strive for fit, strong and healthy!

🌸Joy is Free🌸

